Sorry all about the lack of updates, just been really busy practising. Some great news to follow soon on all fronts. Lovely day with...
Sorry all about the lack of updates, just been really busy practising. Some great news to follow soon on all fronts. Lovely day with...
Mr Davey and me on stage, together for the first time in a whole lot of years..
Bonzo and me, showing a striking family resemblance
I really like this picture of Layla and me, actually the first time she had seen me play properly, I think she was very proud of her old...
Well my clinic was a raving success, well received by everyone, loads of great FB messages, emails and texts none more uplifting than...
Huge thanks to Zildjian for sending dpwn this lovely 10 Inch Spiral Stacker for use at my clinic.. sounds sweeeeett
Apologies for the lack of updates, just been very busy practising for the clinic, then my Birthday kinda got in the way !! Had a great...
Think we may have a slight typo !!! Might not be the smallest guy, but "Ox" ??
Clinic sold out so added some more tickets, absolutely bricking it but these early morning practsie seesions are coming together
Got to have some great fun playing my little babies today at a PA demo, she is sounding sooooo sweet
Sorry been a bit quiet of late but been head down practising for the clinic.. Special thanks to my good friend Ritchie, who very kindly...
Can't believe i have had Bonzo for just over a year. My life would never be the same again when this little chap entered. Guess we need...
Cool Rockstar look or miserable git !!!!!!!???
Thanks to Vater,Evans,Premier and Zildjian for being with me every step of the way, very early Even my sticks were feeling upside down !!!!
Bonzo and me arriving at work, ready to rock !!
Yes this is what my hair does first thing in the morning !!!!!
My new Vater sticsk are holding up just great after two weeks of rehearsal
All is revealed as Rythmn posted on their FB page
Some pretty big news coming very soon, let's just say, I've been practising a lot !!!!!