Great honour to be nominated in the listings for album of the year on Aorland.. Get voting !!!
Great honour to be nominated in the listings for album of the year on Aorland.. Get voting !!!
Getting in some serious practise on the pad, the Vater Fusions are doing just fine :)
Starting to sort out video and photo shoots for all of next years shenanigans !!! Seriously fun times ahead ,
Just signed up with Vater sticks, back to where I belong
Had a nice day visiting my Grandads grave with my mum, went home to Dewlish and put some flowers on his grave, he died when I was only 11...
Some pretty exciting stuff happening in my world of Drum Sticks soon !!!!!
Got my new cards today , thanks to Mark @tradewind graphics for a spankingly good job !!
Well after losing a small fortune on my French house, the final kick came this morning, a bill for 405 Euros for Tax D'Habitation, great...
These Premier Drums are the best I have played , period !!
Pleased and proud to endorse Premier Drums, made in England
Some major Drum news coming very soon !!!!!!
No updates for a few days as mental busy. Bonzo turned four on the tenth and had a party with his pork rind !! Bless him .
Suddenly realised today, that maybe wearing a Zildjian cap is better suited for the younger gentlemans head
Really not looking forward to tonight with the fireworks and Bonzo :(
Just forced myself to get a new Zildjian Kerope 20 Inch Cymbal..
Well Layla turned 22 on Friday "Halloween" !!.. Where did those years go, out for an Indian tonight, she is still my little Princess
Lovely Day off today, can't believe I had the roof down on the car on the 30th October !!!!
Stanton, Moi and Ben after a very long tiring day !! I looked knackered
Well finally completed and got rid of my house in France. Lost a small fortune, but another chapter of my "Book of Life" has closed....
Pooe Bonzo hates the Thunder, so no sleep at all, pee on the carpet ( Bonzo not me ) and general fretting. Poor little thing